NOTE – All Meetings are held virtually. A meeting invite will be sent out at least one week prior to the scheduled meetings with the call information.
The objectives of SSM & District CUPE Council are to:
- Provide an opportunity for its members to influence and shape their future through free democratic trade unionism;
- Eliminate harassment and discrimination of any sort or on any basis; for the equality of treatment regardless of class, race, colour, nationality, age, sex/gender, language, sexual orientation, place of origin, ancestry, religious beliefs, or mental and physical disability; and the active opposition of discrimination of same wherever it occurs or appears;
- To communicate and network with Locals, Division and CUPE National;
- To assist in the organizing of the unorganized;
- To aid and encourage the use of Union made goods and services;
- To promote and encourage educational programs for its affiliates;
- To secure legislation which will safeguard and improve the right so public employees through maximum participation of its affiliates in the overall program of the Canadian Union of Public Employees and though maximum participation of the Council in municipal affairs;
- Establish strong working relationships with the public we serve and the communities in which we work and live; and
- Support CUPE in reaching all of the objectives set out in Article II of the CUPE National Constitution.
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